PIM – Special Week of Prayer

PIM Day of prayer

Thank you for participating in PIM’s day of prayer. You are free to organise the day any way you see fit, but here are some passages to pray through and reflect on and some specific prayer points to get you started.

Find a quiet place, alone and read these slowly and out loud, in the following suggested order.

Prayer Points

  1. Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy in redeeming us. Though He is the Ancient of Days, the Sovereign King over all things He has time for us.
  2. Thank Him for allowing us to be part of His work, especially through PIM.
  3. Pray for our Nation. We appear to be steadily marching away from God, and we need Him to show mercy and bring our nation back to Himself in repentance.
  4. Pray for the lost who we are trying to reach. Pray for them by name.
  5. Pray for isolated believers who we are helping to disciple. Pray for them by name.
  6. Pray that they would become disciples who make disciples.
  7. Pray for remote and rural churches that they would faithfully proclaim Christ and teach people from Scripture. Pray that they would be energetic in evangelism in their local communities.
  8. Pray for those impacted by drought and other disasters.
  9. Pray for each PIM team (use the poster or the website). Pray for their godliness and for good physical and spiritual health. Pray that they would have wisdom, boldness and love as they seek to proclaim Christ to people who do not know Him.
  10. Pray for diligence and effectiveness as they seek to help disciple other believers.
  11. Pray for the PIM Committee: Les Fowler, Martin de Pyle, Ross Fraser, Sam Smith, Evelyn Mill, Josh Bouzanquet, Andrew Clausen, Dennis Wright, Peter Williamson, Peter Barber. And for the Assembly Officers who take an active interest in PIM especially Bruce Meller and Lesleigh Hall.
  12. Pray that the Committee would have wisdom and discernment as they seek to carry out their governance duties on behalf of the PCA.
  13. Pray for Andrew as CEO, for safety in travels, for the effective representation of PIM in various places and for wisdom and skill in the wide range of leadership and management tasks he attends to.
  14. Pray for the New Dunesk proposal that will be presented by the PIM Committee to the General Assembly of Australia in September. Pray that the Lord would open the way for New Dunesk to be approved and supported by the GAA.
  15. Pray that the implementation of the New Dunesk proposal will result in the effective mobilisation of a significant number of people to take the Gospel to our nation, for years to come. Pray that the Vision will be fulfilled and that PIM will be able to ‘Establish a rural facility from which God’s people will be inspired, equipped and sent out for ministry to INLAND Australia.’
  16. Thank the Lord for Congregation Connect and for the blessing it is for those who use it already. Pray for those who are considering using it.
  17. Thank the Lord for our faithful donors and prayer supporters. Praise him for those who give sacrificially and for those who pray earnestly for the lost and for the PIM Teams.
  18. Thank the Lord for His graciousness in preserving PIM for more than 100 years, and ask Him to provide the resources needed for PIM to continue to serve for many more decades to come.

May the Lord grant you a blessed day as you set aside time to be with Him and to bring these things before His throne.