John Rowse and Moses’ email update April 2023

Greetings from me and my family. Thank You Many, many thanks to God for an unknown person’s surprise gift of A$1,500 which came to twenty thousand Kwacha. God answered our prayer as we have always prayed to God for some start-up capital for a poultry project. With this money, we have started by putting up […]

John Rowse Update 2 – August 2022

An Update from Moses – 22 August 2022. Dear John, Greetings to you and your dear family. Here are some updates. The killing of people suspected of practising witchcraft, especially in Mafinga District east of Isoka, has continued, the latest being a 59-year-old man by the name of Emmanuel Mugala, a Headman for Chitente Village […]

John Rowse Update – August 2022

Dear praying friends, I want to thank you all for your patient support. I am finally about to head back for another three months in East Africa, mainly Tanzania. I would like to be leaving in September, but it is all subject to getting a Residence Permit. The Lutheran bishop who was going to help […]

John Rowse – Update from Moses – July 2022

Dear John, Greetings. The mission program that we came for here in Mwansabombwe has been very successful. This is a place where the palace for the Paramount Chief Kazembe of the Lunda people of Luapula Province is. We were only about 400m away from the palace to the place where we have been lodging. Mwansabombwe […]

John Rowse – June 2022 – Update

Dear praying friends, My trip to Africa is currently uncertain. I am trying to arrange new plans, since the pastor who was arranging things for me, Pastor Mwambola, and others, especially his bishop, have had their names muddied by the talk of slanderers with no evidence. He (and his bishop) had stood against the Archbishop […]

Pray for the World – Week 26

Buddhism The idea of Buddhism—and Hinduism—as a ‘religion’ is at least partly an invention of early Western explorers and missionaries. Only later was the concept taken up by Buddhists themselves. Almost everywhere Buddhism appears (mostly south-east and east Asia) Buddhist ideas are woven into a much wider tapestry of belief, ritual, filial piety and morality. […]