The Presbyterian Church of Australia believes that the highest standard by which our belief and practice should be measured is the Word of God, that is, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. So that others can clearly understand what the Presbyterian Church of Australia believes is taught in the Bible, the Church has adopted the Westminster Confession of Faith (with two minor amendments) as a statement of its key doctrines (see confession-of-faith ). While the Church believes the Confession sets forth Biblical doctrines accurately and reliably, the Confession is always referred to as the subordinate standard, and the Bible is the supreme standard. You will find the Church’s doctrine of the Bible defined in Chapter 1 of the Westminster Confession of Faith. The Confession of Faith is quite detailed and explains the Bible’s teaching on God, Creation, the wonder of being human and the awfulness of sin, and the whole work of God in salvation. The Confession is careful to emphasise that this salvation is by the sovereign Grace of God. It also sets out clear positions on living the Christian Life and worshipping as a part of the Church in society. The Confession ends with a simple statement on the expectation that Christ will one day return.
At the time the Presbyterian Church of Australia was formed, it also adopted a Declaratory Statement (see ). The Declaratory Statement does not replace the Bible or the Westminster Confession of Faith but was designed to show how the Westminster Confession of Faith is to be interpreted and used within the Presbyterian Church of Australia. When a Presbyterian Minister or Elder is first ordained (specially set apart for their work in the Presbyterian Church of Australia), or a ministry worker is commissioned, they make a solemn declaration that they personally accept these doctrines, and they promise to keep on teaching and supporting these beliefs throughout their ministry. They also promise to fulfil their duties as set down in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church. The promises are repeated each time they take up work as a Minister or Elder, or are commissioned as a ministry worker, in another Presbyterian congregation.
The worship of the Presbyterian Church has always been marked by simplicity and reverence. It consists of praise, prayer, the expounding and preaching of the Word of God, and the two sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). In the Presbyterian Church of Australia, the Minister has the privilege and special calling to arrange the worship service and to preach (or invite others to preach), in consultation with the Elders of the congregation, and this will naturally lead to some variations from congregation to congregation.
To learn more, join us any Sunday morning for a 9.30 am worship service at 276 Waller Rd, Heritage Park QLD 4118.