Lucinda Windeatt’s Journey with the Lord
Dear Friends
Thank you for your continual partnership in the work that the Lord has called me to in Timor Leste. Here is a brief summary of my journey in Timor since the Lord first led me there, an update about what is ahead for 2017 and some specific prayer requests that we urge you to partner with us in and commit fervently to the Lord as He leads you to pray for Timor.(Ephesians 1:15-19).
My Journey with the Lord
I visited Timor on a short term mission team from Emerald in September to work with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in Dili visiting various other areas in Timor.
In October I visited the village of Weberek for the first time to help as a volunteer and to prepare for a longer term of work serving in the village.
June 2004 – Nov 2009
I served as a missionary with YWAM in the village of Weberek. During this time I became fluent in the language, Tetum and started a medical clinic with a co-worker from Norway, Registered Nurse, Anne Lagmannsgard.. I trained birth attendants, started a mother’s group, children’s and adults’ discipleship groups and our house church was initiated.
2010 & 2011
I left YWAM & spent time back in Australia refreshing my nursing and midwifery skills, returning with teams to visit & encourage the believers of Weberek. This was the beginning of work in the village of Weberek under the umbrella of Parkes NSW, which formed a friendship agreement with Weberek in 2009.
I linked up with the Peak Hill Uniting Church and the friendship agreement with Weberek to continue the work in Timor. Peak Hill Uniting Church in NSW is another fellowship of believers who, along with the Emerald fellowship, Browns Plains Presbyterian Church and in more recent years, Parkes Uniting Church, have been involved with the Lord’s mission in Weberek.
Serving under the friendship agreement allows us to continue sharing the Lord while minimizing the active opposition of some to the Gospel due to the practical assistance the village continues to receive.
In 2012 I returned to the work that the Lord has continued to call me to in Weberek, working according to the terms of the friendship agreement and receiving yearly visits from brothers and sisters in the Lord from the Peak Hill Uniting Church. In recent years others from Parkes and Sydney have also joined the Annual Peak Hill team’s visit to Weberek.
In 2015 the Lord led a few of us together to establish an NGO Australian Charity – “Para Marcia”
( which is simply a channel for receiving funds to send containers of medical equipment to Timor. Last year two containers full of medical and other donations were sent. Donations were distributed to Same hospital, and Clinics in Manufahi including the Weberek Clinic.
Since September 2012 Alina Conceicao Prego (photo above with me) has been serving the Lord with me in Weberek after graduating from a YWAM Discipleship Training School in Dili in July of that year. She has a desire to study to become a nurse or midwife in the future, if this is the Lords will for her.
Lauren Crase Arrives
Lauren Crase as you know (photo right), came to serve with us in Weberek as a volunteer each year from 2012-2015. Last year in May Lauren arrived in Timor to begin serving the Lord as a full time missionary with APWM (Australian Presbyterian World Mission). Alina returned to Timor following her recent trip to Australia in mid-January and in early February Lauren and Alina arrived in Weberek to continue the work there. Lauren would appreciate your prayer for wisdom and guidance as she seeks to know the Lord’s plans and the work that He has for her in Timor for the future.
Photo from left to right, Manuela, her husband Filamenu, Marcus, his wife Celestina and Josephina. Josephina is married to Lewis who has not yet joined the discipleship group. These five and Lewis have each accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Marcus, Manuela and Josephina have been firm followers of the Lord for several years now. Please keep these six and their families in your prayers. Our heart is for their entire households to be saved and for these three families together, to model Jesus’ love to the rest of the community.(John 13:34-35).
Last year we started a separate discipleship group with these five who have become firmer in their faith and desire to lead others to Jesus. Please pray for our adult and children’s ministry groups that we will share the gospel and make disciples for Jesus who have intimate relationships with the Lord and are fully equipped to share the gospel with others as our Lord leads. Please pray particularly at present time for Filamenu and Manuela’s marriage relationship to be restored. Please pray for Lewis and Josephina’s daughter Marguerita to receive Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. Marguerita, their eldest daughter, has been involved with the Jehovah’s Witness’ group for several years now.
Please pray for Marcus as he leads and shares God’s word to the fellowship of believers in Weberek. They meet each Saturday afternoon to worship, to encourage and pray for one another and to study God’s word together.
Pray for the process of shipping the Hilux that has been purchased for the mission in Weberek and other donations to Timor from the Port of Brisbane in the next couple of months. Pray for the processes involved in receiving & registering the Hilux & selling the Triton.
Please pray for Alina, Lauren and me to complete all the work He has for us in Weberek and Timor Leste.
Much love and friendship in the Lord,
Lucinda 🌺