John Rowse – June 2022 – Update

Dear praying friends, My trip to Africa is currently uncertain. I am trying to arrange new plans, since the pastor who was arranging things for me, Pastor Mwambola, and others, especially his bishop, have had their names muddied by the talk of slanderers with no evidence. He (and his bishop) had stood against the Archbishop […]

Pray for the World – Week 26

Buddhism The idea of Buddhism—and Hinduism—as a ‘religion’ is at least partly an invention of early Western explorers and missionaries. Only later was the concept taken up by Buddhists themselves. Almost everywhere Buddhism appears (mostly south-east and east Asia) Buddhist ideas are woven into a much wider tapestry of belief, ritual, filial piety and morality. […]

Pray for the World – Week 25 – 2022

Praying for the world Week 25 Displaced people 68.5 million people have been forced to leave their homes worldwide: 40 million have fled somewhere else in their own country  25.4 million have left their country as refugees 3.1 million are seeking asylum and argue they can never return home. Of the 25 million who have […]

Pray for the World – Week 24

Praying for the world Week 24 Catholicism Half of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics live in the Americas; a quarter in Europe; the rest are evenly divided between Africa and Asia. Catholicism is the biggest Christian bloc but is slowly declining as a percentage of the world and of the Church. Some trends: Traditional Catholic […]

Pray for the World – Week 23

The Orthodox Church Various major challenges confront the global Orthodox Church. The need for renewal: after a long history of rigid traditionalism, over the last decades an increasing number of Orthodox theologians and priests have been advocating for internal renewal on various levels (worship, Scriptural engagement, missional activity etc). Renewal would address both nominalism and […]