Moses’ Updates from Zambia – December 2022
Dear John,
An Almost Fatal Accident
Four days ago, Kay [that’s Moses’ daughter] escaped danger when the school minibus she and other fellow students were in, caught fire as they were on their way to Kasama General Hospital for practical work. She and others on board saw onlookers outside shouting that the bus was flaming with fire, and then she and others, with loud voices, told the driver to pull over. When the bus stopped, everyone started jumping out of the bus through the windows. In the process, Kay found herself in a drainage where she was picked up by some good Samaritan. She experienced pain in the left leg, but thankfully the leg was not broken. However, some of her fellow students who were on board with her experienced severe injuries and were admitted to the hospital. The Fire Brigade was called and they quickly came and stopped the fire that had partially burned the bus. The School Management released another bus which came to their rescue. Kay will be breaking in the first week of December for one month’s holiday before they can enter into the next semester of their first-year studies. Thanks to the Lord for their escape from the life-threatening accident and for her successful studies during the first six months of her training.
Moses Loses His Mother
Thank you to the Lord for the prayers before, during and after the death and burial of my mother. It was indeed not an easy task looking after her, especially because of the condition she was in of not seeing, the stroke that she developed that made my wife be at hand all time for any movement she could want to make and the severe diarrhoea that eventually led to her death. My mother really loved the Lord and we hope to meet with her in heaven one day.
Response to the Gospel
As I was at the hospital nursing my mother and the time we were mourning, I told the ZNBC and the Iso radio people to repeat some of the messages that I presented in the past as I did not have time to go and do recording or live programs. To my amazement, I received a lot of calls from listeners from different places within and outside Isoka. They were wanting to hear more about salvation by grace alone. I was in the ward with my mother when people were calling. I asked my wife to remain with my mother while I went outside to answer the calls from the listeners. I also had to ask my mother for permission because she was at that time still conscious. It took me over 30 minutes to talk to the listeners most of whom were giving their lives to the Lord after accepting the gospel of grace. The other day when the programs were being repeated was after the burial of my mother. I had to move a distance away from the relatives and friends who had remained at the funeral after the burial. Again it was an overwhelming response.
One of the callers by the name of Boyd Siame, an Isoka resident, requested I meet him in person to discuss more the gospel of grace. The following morning, in the company of my cousin, Kennedy from Lusaka, I went into town to meet Boyd Siame. We sat on a bench outside a shop having a drink as we talked. Then another man who recognised my voice came and joined us. After some time of discussing salvation by grace, Boyd and the other man changed, they gave up trusting in themselves for their salvation and put their faith in Jesus only. Today Boyd who is also an Elder in the United Church of Zambia, came to my house to learn more about what he now believes. He first told me about cursing, fightings and hurting that are going on in the family as a result of suspecting each other of practising witchcraft. He requested me to pray for him and his family so that God could break the curses that have caused them not to progress in life as a family. After some time of counselling, Boyd confessed to me that God had used me to reveal everything that was happening in the family. Boyd learned that, now that he has genuinely believed, he is no longer under any curse because Jesus was cursed instead of him. He is protected from any of the attacks of the enemy including witchcraft. Instead of praying against the people he perceived to be enemies in the family (the so-called back to the sender prayer), Boyd learned to forgive, love and pray for them to be saved because Jesus loves them the same way He loves him. He shed his blood on the cross for them also. Boyd, then knelt down to pray to God with tears for forgiveness for all the hatred he had against some of his family members. He also prayed for them so that God could soften their hearts to receive this gospel of salvation which brings total liberation into people’s hearts. He has just gone back home to speak to his family members about how God has changed his life. He promises to one day come and join me on the radio to testify what God has done for him.
Thank you so very much for your continued prayers. Kindly pass my greetings to all the brothers and sisters who have continued standing together with us in prayers and financial support to this noble ministry. We as a family have continued praying for you as you do ministry to the people in Tanzania.
Please pass my special regards to Kay.
Bye for now,