John Rowse – 2 Urgent Prayer Requests

Dear friends,

Pray for my friend in India

Before I give you the latest WhatsApp message from Moses, there are two urgent prayer points from my friend, a brave passionate evangelist in India. Some of us met with him this week on Zoom. His equally brave wife has just been hospitalized with COVID. People in 67 villages of radical Hindus and related traditional religion have now heard the gospel from him among some highly unreached tribes.

He is highly versed in the Hindu Vedas, having come from the priestly Brahmin class himself. He was rescued from a dump by a Christian lady after having been demon-possessed and then losing his sanity. He is expecting to hear any day of the murder of one young woman there, who has led 8 others to Christ and is staying in the area for their sake. If she leaves her Hindu family the community will conclude that she is immoral and that will destroy her testimony and discourage the other young converts. She already hobbles along, since they have badly broken one of her legs.


Pray for Moses in Zambia

Dear John,

Just a quick update. Last week on Sunday, the radio program did not run as the machines at the radio station went off because of low voltage from ZESCO and their Gen Set was broken down. The listeners kept calling to find out what could have been the cause. However, the program continued this week. The presenter apologized to the listeners for the inconvenience.

It appears that now the people have not just started to understand the truth, but they have started coming out openly on radio confessing during live phone-in programs that they have, for the first time, discovered the truth after living under deceit for a long time.

One of the callers said, “Pastor, I have now strongly come to understand and believe that it’s possible that a genuine believer can commit suicide, that’s why all believers need to be careful at all time how we live. What you’re teaching is absolutely true. At first, I was not comfortable to listen to your presentation, now my life has changed, thank you.”

Another one said, “I like the way you calmly explain the truth from the Bible; you don’t shout at God, you provide answers to questions from listeners by using scriptures, may the Holy Spirit continue using you like that.”

Another one sent me a text message yesterday indicating to me that he was very much touched by the message. “It was like, you knew what I was going through, and that you were just targeting me. I would love to meet with you and explain the problem that is making me feel depressed,” he said. His name is John ……………., a teacher in Chinsali town.  Since then and up till now, his phone has been off,  I don’t know what he is going through now. I have managed to secure air time at the radio station till 14 February 2021.

It’s amazing to see that during the corona time, God can use the radio to communicate the message of hope to the masses.

Thank you once again, John and all the partners for your prayers, God is hearing.
