PIM – New Dunesk – Manager Needed


Manager – New Dunesk

What is New Dunesk

New Dunesk is the Presbyterian Inland Mission’s (PIM) brand new initiative to mobilise the church to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in remote and rural parts of our nation. Based at our 600-acre property in Ardlethan, NSW, we aim to inspire, equip and send out God’s people for ministry to Inland Australia.

The Manager’s Job

The Manager will live on-site at the property’s homestead and play a vital role is establishing this exciting new ministry by:

  • Setting the spiritual tone of the property, so that all who visit will know this place is set apart for serving God.
  • Creating a warm, welcoming and well-organised place so that visitors and programme participants will enjoy their time on the property.
  • Actively discipling the Gap Year participants, planning and coordinating their weekly activities and helping them develop a servant heart, grow in the understanding of the Scriptures and acquire a range of practical farm skills.
  • Liaising with the organisers of the various events and programmes scheduled for New Dunesk to ensure the property is ready for each event.
  • Building connections with local community groups and organisations so that New Dunesk continues to be a welcome part of the community.
  • Maintaining meaningful connections with local Presbyterian Churches so that New Dunesk can be of service to them.
  • Overseeing the upkeep, maintenance and presentation of the property and playing an active role in the ongoing development of infrastructure.
  • Promoting New Dunesk to the wider church.
  • Exploring new ideas and proposals for New Dunesk to grow in effectiveness each year.

Who Fits the Job?

The ideal applicant will be a married couple, with many years of experience serving in a local church, preferably with experience in the eldership and some theological training. Skills in discipling and mentoring others are crucial, practical skills and a rural background are desirable.

New Dunesk is located near Ardlethan in rural NSW, about 5-6 hours from Sydney and Melbourne. On-site accommodation is provided and remuneration is the equivalent of the PCQ Minster’s stipend (remote).

For more information and a copy of the position description and applicant information package please contact PIM CEO Andrew Letcher on 0438 868 964 or by email ceo@pim.org.au

Applications close 31 Dec 2020. A starting date during the first quarter of 2021 is desirable and will be negotiated with the successful candidate.

Kind regards,

Suzi Choi



369 Boundary St Spring Hill QLD 4000

PO Box 510 Spring Hill QLD 4004

T (07) 3106 3266 F (07) 3106 3267

E suzi@pcq.org.au / churchoffice@pcq.org.au