01 March, 2024
Dear praying friends,
Thanks for praying. I got my visa to enter Burundi, and I’m now in a secure place in Bujumbura.
Didi and team are looking after me SO well! I’ve had one teaching opportunity so far. Don’t ask me how, but Didi got me in to a Pentecostal, and very Arminian church, where the lady pastor did not even know the gospel. She was surprized and doubtful, but a couple of guys afterwards were touched and want more. So please pray that Didi will be able to follow them up.
I have more such meetings tonight and Sunday. One on Sunday is with Didi and team, the reformed guys who call themselves, Doulos (Slave–i.e., of Christ).
Beginning this coming Monday, I have four 2-hour, early-evening meetings with 100 or so youngish Christian leaders that the Doulos team are seeking to reach and “feed”.
Then, more evening meetings in churches, and finally two six-hour days with 80 pastors. That’s Monday and Tuesday, March 11 and 12.
You’ll find an attachment below. On the way over here, and during the last couple of days, I’ve been able to do a major revision of chapter 4 of the Justification book I only just sent you. So please use this latest version, and feel free to share it.
Thanks for praying! Kay’s going well.
John’s book on Justification below.
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