We are a community of caring people seeking to follow Jesus and be a blessing to others.
God our Savior…His life, death and resurrection are life transforming.
Step out, trust the Lord Jesus, follow Him, learn of Him and serve others.
Learn, laugh and do life together with others of your age – people who understand.
No matter your age or life-stage, there is always a way to get plugged in at BPPC.
You have gifts – put them to good use in the church and in the community.
This section allows you to catch up on the most recent and previous church services and sermons from our pastors.
Online Bible Resources and Courses that nourish your spiritual life.
Keep up with all the sources of news from our local church community
See what God is doing in and through our missionaries around the world.
A window for prayer even though the views and opinions expressed in these publications are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the official doctrine or position of the BPPC.