Tag Archive for: PCQ

Assembly Moderator – Update to PCQ Members

PCQ and Recent Media Attention

PCQ – Bookkeeper Vacancy

Receiver’s Circular to PCQ Members

      13 May 2021 Circular to Members of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland Community (Members) As you may be aware or have seen today’s news that the Presbyterian Church of Queensland (PCQ) has been placed in receivership by the Supreme Court of Queensland (Court). Late in the evening of 12 May 2021, Michael […]

Moderator’s Call to Prayer

                                                                                                                                               14 May 2021 Dear PCQ Church Family, The news that it became necessary to ask the Supreme Court of Qld to place our denomination’s legal entity, the PCQ Letters Patent, into Receivership was issued earlier this week. Psalm 46 reminds us that God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times […]

PCQ Applies for Receivership

Dear PCQ Congregation Member, It is with heavy hearts we write to inform you, that the Commission of Assembly has instructed the Letter Patent Officers (Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer) of the PCQ to apply to the Queensland Supreme Court to have the Letters Patent Entity of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland placed in receivership and […]

Commission of Assembly Communique re PCQ Review-1.2.21

At the PCQ Assembly in 2020, a review of the current ministry of the PCQ was approved. The review is to take place in the first half of 2021 with a report being presented to the Assembly in June 2021. The scope of the review was shaped by a Think Tank of ministers that met […]

A Message from the Moderator – 2020 Changes

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, As the PCQ experiences the challenges of the current times I am very conscious that we are being upheld in prayer by many of the Lord’s people across the PCQ, and beyond. Please continue to uphold our denomination and local churches in your prayers at this time. Changes Are […]