Pray for the Lord’s work in Weberek/Para Marcia
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your continual partnership with us in prayer. I plan to prepare a newsletter again soon with updates from Weberek but I felt I ought to share a few paragraphs with those of you who I know are specifically praying with us for the growth of God’s Kingdom in Weberek & Timor Leste.
The Weberek Team
Moyses & Josie Xavier from Brazil continue to make fortnightly ministry trips to Weberek and the Lord has lead others to join them and so create a small team. In the past couple of months Marilia a missionary nurse from Brazil, Josete a missionary from Brazil & ex-YWAM missionary till 2007, and Anarela, a Timorese Christian woman, have been accompanying Moyses & Josie on these visits. Please pray for their safety in travel and for the needed heavenly resources to minister the gospel of love during these visits. Pray for Marilia too who will be returning to Brazil in mid-March as her church in Brazil can no longer provide her financial support. Pray with us & Marilia that if God still has a work for her in the future in Weberek/Timor Leste, that He will raise up other supporters.
Medical Supplies
Please pray with us for God’s clear direction with Para Marcia in 2019 and the work of shipping medical supplies & other equipment to Timor.
In recent months Moyses & Josie have received lists of resource & equipment needs from the school in Weberek, and equipment needs from the Same Hospital & a dentist in Dili. Orlando Martins who is our health administration contact in the district of Manufahi where Weberek is located, shared that health care staff still need stethoscopes & sphygmomanometers for taking blood pressure. Hand-held Doppler’s for listening to unborn infants’ heart beats are also needed.
Donation Transport Issues
Please pray we might know whether the Lord’s plan is for us to transport the donations currently stored in south-east Queensland to Melbourne for shipping in a Rotary container as we arranged in 2014 or to send another container from Brisbane as we did in 2016. In 2014 a truck company blessed Para Marcia with a free backload of the donations to a Rotary Warehouse at the shipping port in Melbourne.
If God has a plan for another container then we will need to pray for volunteers to collect, pack & temporarily store donations. Pray for the people of God’s choice to help with transporting donations & packing them into the container. We will need the Lord’s choice of people to organise the container and the shipping and receiving of the container and distribution in Timor. Pray also with us that if our Lord & God has a plan for another container soon from Brisbane that He will bring everything together as happened in 2016 with the right donations/funds, volunteers and location for the container.
All donations to Para Marcia are tax deductible. Please share this email with anyone you know who has a heart to partner with us in prayer for Timor Leste & the work that the Lord has called us to in Weberek and through Para Marcia.
Maromak fo bensa – God Bless,
Your friend & sister,
Tax Deductible Donation
If you are able or know of an organisation willing to make a tax-deductible donation to support our work in East Timor, please visit
Alternatively you can deposit monies directly into the ANZ Para Marcia account and email me and let me know how you would like funds used & I can organise a receipt from Para Marcia to be emailed to you.
- Para Marcia
- BSB: 012 800
- Account No. 294 390 576