PCQ – Reflection and Meditation

14 May 2021

To the Presbyterian Church Family across Queensland,

Our denomination is in the middle of a difficult time. We’ve already felt the pain of selling denominational assets to negotiate our exit from the aged care industry, but despite our best efforts, the PCQ had no option but to go into receivership. We have yet to discover what the full impact of this will be across the Church. There is much uncertainty, and we all have many questions which will take time to be answered.

It is natural at a time like this that we would be experiencing a range of emotions, ranging from fear and anxiety to disappointment and mistrust. It is natural that as a church family we would be in grief, with all the emotions that come with that.

So, how can we respond to this as God’s family?

Our last Assembly expressed a desire for our church to be led in a time of reflection and meditation, where we ask God to reveal our sins and to humbly confess as a Church, and also to be led in a time of spiritual nurture. To complement the ongoing local initiatives, the Assembly appointed a Reflection and Meditation Team to assist us as a denomination to humble ourselves and cast our cares on to the Lord. This Team is planning an online service to be broadcast to PCQ congregations across our state so we can reflect and pray as a whole denomination.

On Wednesday 9th June 2021 at 6:00 PM, PCQ congregations across our state are invited to gather to take part in this service of corporate and congregational prayer and lament. More details will follow.

In the lead up to this service, we will provide three (3) guided meditations for individuals or small groups to use for prayer and lament. Allow 20-30 minutes for each one. The first of these meditations is attached and we ask that it be made available to all members of your congregation. Individuals are also invited to submit prayers prompted from these guided meditations to be used in our reflection and prayer service on Wednesday 9th June.

‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ (John 16:33)

Yours in Christ,

Reflection and Meditation Team

Rev Peter Evans, Dr Carolyn Russell, Rev Nathan Shannon.