Brisbane Prays

National Day of Prayer and Fasting 2020

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Time: 10 am — 3 pm (day session)

6 pm — 9 pm (evening worship session)

Where: Brisbane City Temple and King George Square

Dear BPPC Friends,

Tickets are now available for the National Day of Prayer, 2020.

The event is free, but a donation would be appreciated to cover costs, especially for the hire of King George Square (in the evening).

Tickets and registration can be made on Eventbrite.   (This link takes you to a website).

We are calling all those with a heart for the city of Brisbane: “Gather together as One, to cry out to the Lord for our City, State, and Nation.”

There are two sessions: one will be weaving prayer and worship, the second is to celebrate Jesus (with worship at King George Square). We would love for you to pass on the information to as many people as possible. We want to raise the name of Jesus in Brisbane City and over this Nation!

Maranatha, Lord Jesus!

Sally Cleland and Wes Leake

for Brisbane Prays Team


Visit our Website for more Prayer Groups in and beyond Brisbane

Just a reminder!

If you would like to find out more information, go to the Brisbane Prays Facebook page.