Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation – a Response




To All Members of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland

Resources to help fight Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation

In late 2018, 16 faith and community leaders from around South East Queensland issued their Joint Statement in favour of better-funded palliative care instead of Voluntary Assisted Dying.

Queensland State MPs have until late August to weigh up how they will use their conscience vote on the assisted suicide and euthanasia legislation (also known as, VAD legislation). If enough opposing voices are heard it might give MPs the courage not to rubber-stamp these laws in the mistaken idea they are offering “choice”.

Please find attached four (4) files that have been developed for a broad range of groups in Queensland that may assist interested church members to fight the so-called VAD legislation.

The 4 attachments include:
·         A one-page ‘call to action’ with embedded URL links that can connect people with their              local MPs to voice their views (in face-to-face meetings or via email or phone);

·         Palliative Care fact sheet;

·         Key facts on VAD from around the world; and,

·         Key Messages around the Euthanasia Bill which people might use to inform their discussion with MPs.

The attached resources are not specifically designed to help people think about the VAD issue in light of the gospel, however, they do provide helpful information and advice for interacting with local MPs and others.

The PCQ GiST VAD page provides additional gospel focussed resources: 


Please continue to pray for the Qld Parliament as it prepares to make a decision on VAD.

Kind regards

Christina Jeong.

On Behalf of (Rev) Stuart Hoadley

Clerk of Assembly



  1. Call to Action Flyer
  2. Palliative Care Facts
  3. Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
  4. Key Messages – Stakeholder Group